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Māori cultural competency panel KŌRERO

Getting started on your Māori Cultural Competency Journey



Getting started on your Māori Cultural Competency Journey

Many organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand are interested in developing and measuring their Māori cultural capability plans and staff’s confidence in Māori cultural skills.

AskYourTeam and Maurea Consulting have hosted a live panel discussion, talking about cultural competency tools, strategies and processes, and hearing from those already on the journey.

If you’d like to take the first step towards achieving Māori cultural competency, then please join the conversation. Learn how to get started and find out about the great outcomes Māori cultural competency strategies will deliver for New Zealand’s public and private sector organisations.

Please fill in the form to watch the session recording and download a discussion summary of the topics covered during the panel, along with initial data points from AskYourTeam indicating strengths and opportunities for clients who have implemented Te ara ki tua to date. →